Using Options Framework to think about where to submit a paper

Posted on Sun 04 January 2015 in Random Thoughts • Tagged with random thoughts

Suppose that the probability of acceptance at the best journal is \(p\) and at the 2nd best journal is \(\theta p\). Moreover, after a paper has been reviewed once, we have the chance to improve it and consequently increase the probability of acceptance. Let these 2nd chance probabilities be \(\lambda …

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Newsvendor Model with Defects

Posted on Wed 07 May 2014 in Core OM and supply chain • Tagged with newsvendor model, behavioral OM

How does a retailers order quantity change when his supplier sends products some of which are defective? To answer this question in a concrete context, consider the canonical newsvendor model - demand \(D\) is random and has cdf \(F\left( \cdot \right)\); cost per unit when the firm places orders is …

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Ecological Rationality of Demand Chasing

Posted on Tue 06 May 2014 in Core OM and supply chain • Tagged with demand chasing, behavioral OM

Experimental literature that has looked at newsvendor decision-making documents a phenomenon called demand chasing wherein a decision-maker adjusts her order quantity in each period toward the demand realization in past period. This behavior is so obviously “irrational” (given the typical newsvendor setup where each period’s demand is statistically independent …

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"Random" Ordering pattern from Deterministic Demand?

Posted on Sun 16 February 2014 in Core OM and supply chain • Tagged with randomness, chaos

While Prof. Sridhar Seshadri and I were co-teaching a PhD course where we were reading John Sterman’s paper on determistic chaos (Sterman, J., 1989. Deterministic Chaos in an Experimental Economic System Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.), we were discussing the possibility of how determistic customer demands in simple …

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